Bonkers Thoos is a Husky x Borzoi. He is a HUGE dog, 32" tall and over 100lb. He is athletic, trained to bikejor, loves to go out and do things with his person. He is not good with kids, and is a one person dog. He bonds strongly to his person. He is not good with cats, but he is good with other (40lb+) dogs. Though, I think he prefers to be in a smaller pack. He loves to learn new things, easy to train. Walks well on a leash. He is a great dog for someone that works longer hours and likes to be active on weekends, because he loves to just sleep most of the day and doesn't need to use the bathroom often at all. His fee can be waived for a good home. He is an intelligent alien that has taken the form of a canine. Well, the alien did its best to mimic a canine form. If you're looking for a tiktok star, Bonkers will make endless content, the weird looking thing he is.
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