Dozer is super cute and very friendly. He has a great personality and is a real baby doll! He is charting 5 to 6 lbs. He is a rare black and tan Dobie color. One of the hardest colors to get. Both his mom and dad have an international pedigree that includes Russian, American and UK champions. Although he is out of standard lines this pairing is producing smaller puppies. Both parents are health tested He has the short cobby body and sought after "teddy bear" flat face. He will be smart and pretty. He will come with a shot record and will be microchipped and will come with a take home pack of goodies that include a sample of food, plush toy, treats, dental bone, sample of vitamins, food scoop, potty pads and bags. We also include a 30 day free health insurance policy with trupanion. Our puppies are carefully raised and bred for the best temperament, health, intelligence, and personality. Early behavior shaping and socialization. Potty training. Pre-loved and spoiled in a loving family home. We have been professionally breeding for over 30 years. This is our dedicated profession and we take it very seriously. call or text 803-201-1213 for more information or our website is $300 non refundable deposit with differance due at pickup or we have a flight nanny available for delivery. See website for others available
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