Lars is a black & white MaltiPoo male. He was born on Oct. 7th, 2024, and will weigh about 6.5 lbs as an adult. He loves exploring his surroundings as much as relaxing in someone's arms. His parents are Lacey (MaltiPoo) and Buster (Toy Poodle). $1,275 ++Website: ++E-mail: ++Phone: 231-360-9022 Each puppy is current on shots and de-worming and is sold with a puppy starter pack which includes Puppy Food health record our health guarantee helpful hints page collar leash toy ... to give you and your puppy a great start. Our puppies are raised in our home and are very well socialized with daily handling and play time indoors and weather permitting in our yard. We do not dock our dog's tails. With our over 30 years experience you can be ensured you will be adopting a high-quality puppy raised with love and professionalism. We offer lifetime support for the needs of our puppies and customers. Check out our many testimonials on our website. Shipping: We have chosen not to ship our puppies. It is important to us that we meet our puppies' new family in person. All our adults weigh between 5 lbs and 11 lbs. Our puppies are very smart fun-loving pets who enjoy running around and play just as much as sitting in your lap for some quiet time.
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