Koda is Expected to be 20 to 25 pounds and 14” to 15” inches tall. He is a black tri brown eyes, very Handsome sweet boy lots of personality already. eight weeks old and ready for her forever home. He is up-to-date on all appropriate shots and dewormers, having had two rounds of shots and been dewormed every two weeks. He can come with a price of $450 or with ASDR registration for $650. loves to play chew on all of his toy dose great with car rides and other dogs and people Raised in home Parents are both registered mom is a black tri 15” inches 20 pounds Dad is a black tri blue eyes toy size 14” inch’s 23 pound Expect him to be a small mini/large toy Located in Neosho mo but happy to meet Feel free to call me at fourone7-three12-77twofive if interested!
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