Meet Lennie. He is ready to go home Nov 25th when he turns 8 weeks. We are located in Durant Oklahoma, and families are always welcome to come here to pickup, but we are always happy to meet closer if needed. Flights/puppy drivers available to other states. My puppies are $2500 each. They are purebred Samoyeds, CKC registered, and fully vetted. They will have their shots, deworming at 2,4,6,and 8 weeks as a , 30 day flea and tick prevention, microchipped (free lifetime ) and vet checked. They will come with their papers, vet records, a packet of on training/grooming/etc, collar, leash, food, NuVet vitamin supplements, and a toy that smells like momma to help them adjust. They have been raised indoors as part of our family, not in a kennel environment. They will be very well socialized and good with kids. They will have been raised with four children in the home, so they will be very used to family life. Our puppies begin training and very early. We handle them every day from day one, and expose them early to all kinds of different sights, sounds, and smells. We have "puppy kindergarten" where they learn that vaccums are not scary, music/normal household noises aren't scary, car rides are fun, crates are "safe spaces grooming is relaxing, etc. We aim to have the most well-rounded babies with the best temperaments. We also begin leash training and potty training. At just 8 weeks of age, your puppy will have a great start to house training, but of course won't be 100% trained. So, we send you home with a packet explaining their schedule and how to put them on the path to success with housebreaking. These babies are our entire lives, and we will welcome them back at any time, even if it is 12 years down the road. Let me know if you have any questions! Phone: 580-380-5754 Website: Email: Facebook:
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