AKC registered female puppy. She will be 8 weeks old on Feb 3rd, the litter mates are going home Feb 1st. She will be Honey Golden in color, the color of her ears will be her darkest color with white undertones coming through. Beautiful litter of 10 puppies born to Millie (Amelia Finck) and Zircon (Creme De La Creme Flame of Zircon) on 12-9-24. Mom has OFA EXCELLENT hips along with normal elbows, heart and eyes. Dad has OFA GOOD hips along with normal elbows, heart and eyes. Both mom and dad have perfect Golden temperaments with a calm and gentle disposition. The puppies are raised in our home with lots of interaction including children of different ages. We expose the puppies to many different sights and sounds to increase their confidence in the world around them. Visit our website: creamofthecropgoldens.com for more information about mom and dad along with lots more pictures. Also find information about our procedures for both mom and puppies and how we keep everyone happy and healthy and prepare the puppies for their new homes! We'd love to answer any questions you might have!
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