I have a couple of pups from our current litter that are still available, there is 3 males & 2 females looking for their furever homes! They will be ready to go home in February. I am located in MA All of my pups come microchipped & registered with paperwork through the American Kennel Club, come from champion & hunting blood lines, both parents are genetically tested & cleared, also with Exercise Induced Collape Testing as well. The puppies are vet checked by our licensed veterinarian with their first set of shots, dewormer & complete physical ( I also include the entire litters bill of health ). I have a health guarantee against hip dysplasia, heart disease & cataracts, all of our dogs & puppies are kept on a multivitamin supplement, dew claws are removed & tails docked, they are all socialized with children, dogs & other animals. I also start the potty & crate training process for families interested. My website is www.mawandpaw.net Hope to hear from you! ❤️
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