Winston is a sweet Toy poodle pupper who was born on June 16, 2024. He will top out at about between 5-8 pounds, both parents are right at 6 pounds. He weighs just at a bit over 5 pounds. He is vet checked. All healthy. Has small overbite . Winston already knows how to use a doggie door, he is smart and super playful and ready to mingle. he gets on well with other dogs and cats. Winston is kept current on all shots, worming and vaccines. He is micro-chipped and will come with his records, Pedigree and registration papers, a small bag of food so you can transition him to the food of your choice. He will also come with a blanket, toy and poop bags. We can meet up for delivery within a 2 hour drive from Mountain Grove / Cabool Mo. We will need a $100 non-refundable deposit through Venmo and the remainder to be paid in cash at meet-up up. Poodles are wonderful dogs to have in your life. Toy poodles are highly intelligent, affectionate dogs. They are good with other dogs and children. If you are ready to add a new member to your family, let us know if this sweet pup may be your new addition.
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