AKC pure bread labrador puppies looking for a loving homes! We have black males and females available. Ruby opened her eyes first out of the litter of six. Started opening on Christmas day, 12/25/24. She has a big personality and comes to us the most looking for attention! She will make a special addition to any loving home. Dad is very handsome and sweet loving AKC registered chocolate labrador retriever with blocky head and tall, athletic build (about 95 pounds) and Mom is very sweet and beautiful AKC registered yellow lab with stocky English lab build (80 pounds). We own both and they are loved indoor family pets. You may come visit the puppies and meet the parents. Puppies are being raised with kids in our home and getting lots of socialization. They will have first vaccinations, comprehensive vet exam at 7 weeks, AKC registration paperwork and be dewormed. Located in East Jordan, Michigan. Will be ready for new home February 8th. Message Caroline or call 616-516-6161 to reserve! Follow on Instagram for photo updates! https://www.instagram.com/rosie_and_brutus_puppies?igsh=dGM2bDZpcTIyNXdx&utm_source=qr
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