Dolly is my 2-year-old female, and she just finished giving birth to 6 healthy puppies. This was her 1st litter, and she was great. She was a great mother to the pups. We are having to sell her because our schedule has gotten very busy, and we won't be able to raise or breed the Boykins any longer. She is a very friendly dog and would be a great addition to anyone who is looking to breed Boykins. I do have a 5-generation pedigree to go with her which is a $70 cost through Boykin Spaniel Society. We can transfer her registration to the new owner. NOTE: Boykin Spaniel Society no longer recognizes the AKC Registration and AKC no longer recognizes the Boykin Spaniel Society Registration. Before purchasing pups / dogs, please realize that if you plan on breeding the Boykin Spaniel that it must be breed with a Sire or Dam that has compatible registration. Boykin Spaniel Society registered dogs must be breed with Boykin Spaniel registered dogs for you to be able to register the litter. My Boykin Spaniel pups are Boykin Spaniel Society registerable, and I have the paperwork to register my dogs. They are not AKC and can no longer be registered AKC.