This handsome boy is Spencer! He is a LONGHAIR Black/Tan male miniature dachshund puppy! He was born January 16th, 2025 and will be ready after March 13th, 2025. He will be Vet examined at 8 weeks old, have 1st vaccines, negative fecal, and be issued a Fl state health certificate from the Vet prior to leaving as well as a genetic-health guarantee/contract that goes home with all our puppies. We own his parents, they are both minis weighing under 10 lbs. We’ve been raising mini dachshunds since 2010 and are a very small in-home hobby breeder. We are NOT a kennel. We are a Doxie loving family. We do not own or raise any other breed. Our adults are inside dogs and our puppies are well socialized and raised alongside our kids, elderly mother, as well as our cat and bird so they come from a multi-pet friendly home. We do not sell to other breeders. Our puppies will only be offered to pet homes, no exceptions. I have many references I can provide of our past puppy families upon request. I’m happy to schedule a FaceTime video call with you to meet him before placing a deposit to reserve him. We live just south of Ocala, and do not ship our puppies. Your puppy will need to be picked up at our home or we could possibly meet you partial way depending on how far you live from us but unfortunately not further than 2 hours. His deposit to reserve is $250 and the remaining $900 balance would be due when he is picked up after 8 weeks. Natalie Kennedy- (352)-552-0608 I work full-time outside the home so please leave a detailed message if no answer and I will return your call/text as soon as I can. Thank you!🐾
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