Kye is a stable boy , very gentle easy going .He love to be played with and he is socialized with children and other puppies. He also loves to be cuddled and will give you lots of puppy kisses. He is vet checked. Puppy come with! 30 day health insurance ,1 year genetic health guarantee vet health certificate akc papers vaccination and deworming records microchiped puppy blanket,collar small bag of food sample of Nu vet nutrition supplements Here at Stonyhillfrenchies we strive to raise top quality frenchies.We live in the rolling hills of Sugarcreek Ohio. Most of our parents are genetic health tested . All of our frenchies are Akc’s registered. We been raising frenchies since 2015 . The frenchies are part of our family, we have 4 children that help us from little babies to socializing them,and finding them forever 🏠 ,for theses adorable 🐶. You’re welcome to come visit us and be part of the frenchie family. Check out our website Stonyhillfrenchies Delivery option We have a local puppy delivery company that will deliver to your door in most of the states . There is and additional fee vary on what state price range from 200.00 to 450.00 weekly delivery. If your not able to meet us in person. Please contact us for additional information.
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