We have Yorkshire Terrier male puppy available. His name is Ismir. Ismir is estimated to be over 8 pounds as an adult. Puppy was born on November 3rd, 2024. We socialize our puppies with puppies from other litters and children of different ages. Izabella is his mom and she is 5.5 pounds. Sparky is his dad and he is 4.5 pounds. Parents have great pedigrees. Parents are young and healthy. Izabella is caring mom and she makes sure that her babies’ needs are met at all the time. She is teaching her babies all kind of skills they need. Puppy is immunized and dewormed - records will be provided. Tail is docked. Mom and dad are AKC registered and puppy will have his own AKC registration papers. We will send a package with each puppy to take home which includes: *Written Instruction on How to take Care of puppy, *AKC registration documents, *Health Records with immunizations and deworming information, *A little bag of Puppy Dry Food, *A favorite toy. We live in Eastern Washington, but we could deliver puppy to the West side of the state (Seattle/Bellevue/Everett/Bellingham areas) for the small cost of gas which is usually $150. Or you could come over to our place to pick puppy up. We could also arrange to ship puppy to you via airline if you live somewhere further. Our delivery trip for this litter to Spokane WA, Ritzville WA, Moses Lake WA, Ellensburg WA, Bellevue WA, Lynnwood WA, Marysville WA, Bellingham WA areas is planned for January 18th, 2025. You could contact us for additional information by replying to this ad or call/text to (509) 680-0180 and we will be more than happy to help you. You could also visit our web site for more information: www.BestYorkies.com for more updated pictures and additional information on each available puppy. Video conference is available to meet our puppies. Contact us to schedule it.
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