Hello thank you for looking at our sweet Oliver He is AKC registered. He has a very sweet personality and very loving. He was born on November 30,2024 . He is being raised in our home , handled daily by adults and children. We have raised and own WFT for 20 plus years .Oliver has had his dew claws and tail docked when she was 3 days old . He was given her first dose of wormer at 2 wks old . Oliver dad comes from champion blood line and can be traced all the way to where his line begins. Each of our puppies will come with dew claws and tails docked . Shots started and wormer . And we will start potty training them to potty pads . He will come with a puppy bag to start their new homes with . We are asking 2000. If you are wanting breeding rights it’s additional 500 . We ask for a deposit of 700 to hold the puppy till she is ready for her new home . Which is non refundable. We do not let our puppies go till they are eating their puppy food great . Usally between 6/8 wks old . We will travel from our southern Illinois home a hour and a half from it to meet you . We do not ship our puppies . If you have any other questions please feel free to ask me .
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