$1250 Limited AKC (Pet), or $2500 Full AKC (With Breeding Rights). Parents are both DNA tested, JLPP clear & have outstanding pedigrees. Mom is 90-95lbs, Dad is 150lbs. “Cedar” is one of the biggest in the litter, but he is very gentle and sweet. He loves snuggling with us or anyone of our friends who will love on him. He is the favorite among our friends and family, and is almost identical in personality to his Brother “Glacier”. “Cedar” would make an impressive statement as a stud for any breeding program. He’d do equally as well at personal/family protection, or he’d be just as content to be your personal foot warmer and friend! “Cedar” completed ENS/ESI and is doing great at sound, scent, surface, tactile & overhead exposures! He has started potty training and will begin crate training in a few more weeks. “Cedar” comes with a 1 year health guarantee/replacement warranty and an extended 4mo warranty for Full AKC purchases or with Proof of Spay/Neuter. 🔥”Cedar’s” Proud Lineage includes Uno Vom Haus Engel, Boa Vom Hause Edelstein, Simbolico, Monaco, Hero Von Der Tonberger Hohe, Hause Milsped, & more!🔥 We use Messenger, Email, or Facebook & YouTube to keep you updated while you wait to bring your new family member home! For everyone’s safety we will meet in person at a public location on “Go-Home Day!”. Look us up on Facebook, Insta, & YouTube. We are a real family with a real passion for raising these beautiful puppies. We look forward to meeting you! Okie Puppies. Reach us at okiepuppyinfo@gmail.com