Zeke is very sweet, gentle & lovable. He has a beautiful black & white hair coat that is lush & has a soft curl. He also has a white chin, chest, & collar. His nose & tail is white, along with a white splash on his forehead, & four white paws, making him absolutely stunning. Zeke's hair coat is non-shedding & hypoallergenic as well. He will be up to date on his shots & wormings at 8 weeks of age. Zeke's mother is a 25 lb. Bernedoodle & Dad is a 18 lb. purebred Poodle. Zeke will be a F1B mini-Bernedoodle. Zeke would make a great addition to the family, he just loves to cuddle & give the sweetest little puppy kisses! He is happy, playful, & is waiting for his new forever home! A 200.00 non-refundable deposit is required to hold him. Land transportation is available while air is not at this time.
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