Beautiful Chocolate FEMALE ** She is the biggest pup of the litter ** Litter born on January 18th. Tails docked & dew claws removed. ** Pics taken 1/26/25 ** Puppies Will be current on deworming, receive their first shots and Vet health checks at 6 wks old and ready to rehome at 8 wks old. Mother is 90# Black w Mahogany European (pictured w litter) Father is 120# AKC Black w Mahogany European (pictured sitting solo) Asking price is $1200 Deposit of $200 via Zelle will hold your puppy. SERIOUS INQUIRIES ONLY PLEASE CALL me @ 469-655-5046 for individual photos or videos. All videos will be sent via Messenger. Will NOT reply to COMPUTER GENERATED PHONE NUMBERS or 'TEXT ONLY' Numbers. Thank you very much for your interest.
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