Meet Sweetheart! He is an outgoing, affectionate little boy who would love to be your Valentine! His mother, Clover, is an outgoing and expressive Bernese Mountain Dog weighing 90 lb. His father, Boone, is a gentle and affectionate standard-sized Poodle weighing 65 lbs. Sweetheart was born and is being raised in our home. He has received much love and care. He will be vet-checked, up to date on his vaccines, and go home with a one-year genetic health guarantee. Starting at 6 weeks old, we will begin litter box training him using pelletized pellets/shavings for small animals. Although he will need additional training in his new environment, he will have an understanding of where is the correct place to "go". We will send him home with a bag full of goodies which will include a 4 lb. bag of puppy food, training treats, a toy, and a blanket that smells like home. If you would like to meet Sweetheart, we would be happy to schedule a video call with you! We offer transportation upon request.
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