This very sweet, smart, and healthy goldendoodle F1B male puppy was born 11/6/24 and is ready to go home! He is our little lion boy. He is the most gentle in the litter and we are heart broken to not be able to keep him as our family dog. You have to meet him! He is expected to be about 50ish pounds (father is 35 pounds, full poodle; mother is 52 lbs F1 goldendoodle) and is currently 11+ pounds at 8 weeks old with some nice sized paws to grow into. He is as hypoallergenic as a puppy can be and comes with a 24 month health guarantee.. He is a beautiful fawn/apricot color and will have a fluffy, non-shedding, and wavy/curly coat. He is current on all vaccinations and deworming, microchipped, and litter box trained. His parents are both sweet, good with children, with no resource guarding, and no car sickness. Both parents are genetically tested, links to results available upon request. Stud was OFA cleared in all areas (cardiac, elbow, patella). Puppies are raised in the middle of our home, cared for by all family members, and are well socialized and exposed to children. We love, love, love this puppy and want him to find a home that loves him, too. Local delivery within 60 miles available. Willing to ship if buyer arranges puppy flight nanny.
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