Meet Rusty, he is a very handsome teacup with a stunning coat! Pictures don’t do this little man justice! He is such a fluff ball! He has the cutest teddy bear face! He looks like a little bear one minute and with his coloring a fox the next. He is such a sweet boy. 🥰 He is ACA registered. His Mom is 4 1/2 lbs and Dad is 5 1/2 lbs. Both Mom and Dad have the sweetest dispositions. He is caught up on all his shots and dewormer. I also have shipping available. Prices are subject to what state you live in. I use a professional ground pet service. They do an amazing job with the puppies. They have food and water drippers during travel. Air conditioning/ Heat and keep kennels clean and comfortable. They travel in two so someone is always with the puppies. They ship straight to your door. My husband says I have to share the puppy love and I can't keep them all. 😂 So if he is the one for you, feel free to contact me at anytime. 330-754-8727 If I don't answer, I might be working, leave me a message please and thank you and I will get back to you as soon as I can.
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