Lenny is the last puppy available in his litter. He's house and crate trained and has some basic obedience. Lenny's birth date is 7/23/23. Lenny's Pet Price is $700 and his papered price is $1500 with full registration. Lenny is UKC registerable. His Mom Geogia is a Red Sable AKC/UKC registered Belgian Malinois that stands at 25" at the shoulders and weighs 60 pounds. Georgia's very outgoing and has a great ball and strong prey drive. His Sire Squiggy is a Sable UKC registered Belgian Malinois that stands at 25" at the shoulders and weighs 75 pounds. Squiggy is very outgoing and has a high toy and prey drive, he's Personal Protection trained. Contact Scott by text, call or messenger is you're interested in Lenny. I can also be reached at 4bardkennels@gmail.com. I can arrange shipping if needed.
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