Call/Text 985-804-2521 or visit my website: You can contact me for picture/videos, facetime, or an in person meet. Emmett is a CKC registered with pedigree Brown and Tan miniature poodle. He weighs 21lbs and is 14 3/4" tall. He is ready to go now. HE IS NEUTERED! He has 2 IVDD, 1 low ALT, Ee, KyKy, atat, Dd, NN, bb, II, Ssp, mm, rr, and hh. COI 5% Let me know if you have any questions about his test results. Born and raised here with us. His mom is an aprciot miniature poodle that weighs 12lbs and is 11" tall. His dad is a black and tan phantom miniature poodle that weighs 11lbs and 11" tall. He is kennel trained. Up to date on his shots and worming. He has been DNA and health tested by embark. He gets her heartworm and flea meds every month on the 3rd. Heartworm NEGATIVE and Flea meds is Advantage Multi for Dogs, red size(20-55lbs); will come with the rest of his prevention upon take him. He is up-to-date on his shots(Rabies, DAPP, and Bordetella) for the year and will not need shots again till October 2025, ckc registered with pedigree, dna and health tested, kennel trained, and micro-chipped. Emmett is a GREAT amazing guy! He is sweet as can be, loves to be held/carried like a baby. Loves belly rubs! But he is NOT a lap dog! He will break your arm! He also loves to bark at anything and everything outside just because it's Emmett. He loves to chase birds around the yard. He loves to play but be careful if you have a little dog because he does not know his size and thinks he is little, so he get a bit to rough sometimes. He is a very energic lively dog. Although he is a barker outside, I do not hear a word from him inside! He doesn't care for new dogs every much and would make a great hunter. He does GREAT with grooming! You can ask my step-mom(breeder) on how to view/ access my dna and health testing results as well as my parents. ALL of her vet records and Health testing results will be provided! You can come pick me up for free. My step-mom(breeder) can meet you half way for a fee or she can bring me to you for a fee. She will NOT put me on a taxi pet carrier. She is willing to meet for pick-up at her local airport(Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport) for free (YOU MUST SUPPLY YOUR OWN CARRIER FOR THE PLANE! I WILL NOT BE SUPPLYING THIS). I can fly him to you for a fee(fee depends on ticket prices and is required up front before I will travel; I will personality fly with him in cabin) *I am down sizing.*
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