HOLIDAY SPECIAL PRICE!! 🎉 Meet PRINCE! He is a little, charming mini cavapoo puppy and a family favorite.. Prince was born November 9th 2024 to Mercy a white toy poodle and his father Duke is a ruby colored cavalier King Charles. Mercy lives on site and has been an excellent mother nursing her babies and taking good care of them. She is still nursing them and nurturing them. She weighs about 11 lbs and Duke weighs about 18 lbs. Duke is a handsome dog who belongs to a good friend of mine and has sired many amazing litters. Prince's estimated adult size is between 14-18 lbs. Prince will  surely please his future family and would make a great and fun start to the NEW YEAR. He is the only apricot pup of his littermates and is unique. Prince is being socialized with his littermates, on toy poodles, cats and young children. He is definitely the most playful of his litter mates and a super friendly little fellow. He likes to be snuggled as well and to give kisses. Prince is being dewormed and vaccinated. He will also be microchipped. When Prince goes home, he will depart with proof of vaccinations, veterinary health check and microchipped. He will also go home with some puppy food! Reserve him now if you believe he will be the right fit for your family. Priority goes to those who will love and be committed to him. You are welcome to come meet him in person. If you are not available to come in person ,He can be delivered via flight or ground for a fee. I would love to answer any questions you may have!
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