**new photos 12/09**Beautiful black tri female with brown eyes, right eye has a small blue chip. This gal will be a large toy size to a small miniature size. She is on the smaller side for this litter. Mom weighs about 16 lbs and dad weighs about 21 lbs. Vaccinations at 6, 8, 10, 12, and 16 weeks. She will be ready to go anytime after December 1. We do not work on potty training. Puppies are housed in a 4' x 12' kennel with outdoor playtime in a fenced in play area. As they get older they learn to follow mom and potty when put outside. We are a small farm family kennel, we are state licensed. Puppies are socialized with adults, children, and other dogs of various sizes. We do offer flights with our pet nanny. We also offer on-site pickup and we will work to meet also depending on availability. Visit our website at www.wheatleypuppies.net. Call or text 641-740-0316.
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