Squirrel is a tiny Imperial red and white liver (brown nose) AKC Registered R Texas Star Shih Tzu Puppy. He will be around 8 lbs. A beautiful coat very straight and thick. He comes with AKC Limited Registration, microchipped, 3rd & final set of vaccinations, on monthly flea, tick and heartworm preventative sentinel. Used to living with the family. Potty training already started using a puppy litter box with all natural pine pellets & going out the dog door. My puppies come with: The AKC Puppy Protection Package, which Includes their individual registration to you as the owner, microchipped & enrolled in the AKC reunite program, a free vet visit, the good dog helpline talking to professional trainers. free health insurance for 2 months. Either a blanket, dog bed or heart beat companion stuffed puppy toy, which smells like our home and siblings, a collar and leash, with their AKC microchip tag, bag of blue buffalo puppy food, plus more. Including a lifetime of help and knowledge from me. If you need your puppy delivered to you. I can give you the info of my shipper, she is fantastic licensed, bonded and insured USDA Shipper. She will bring the puppy straight to the location you provide her. Delivery Price is completely Separate from price of puppy.
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