Sophie is a very tiny girl that will be ready February 13 or 14th for her new home. She is 6 1/2 weeks old now is day weening now. This means that her mama is removed from her during the day and then put back with her at night. She is the only girl that I will have until spring, her mom is 3 lbs. 14 oz. Black/Tan her dad is 3 lbs. 7 oz. Black/Gold. This puppy should get to be about 3 1/2 to 4 pounds. This baby is not for anybody with children in the home! Be a responsible buyer and do not purchase her if you have small children in your home. I have the right to refuse sale. Price is $2000 with $500 deposit and $1500 due upon pick up in cash. I do not ship these babies. They are too tiny. We meet in Crossville Tennessee in a public place for everybody’s health and safety. I will be happy to FaceTime with her, and if we can FaceTime in the evening time when I put her mama back with her, you could see her mama with her. I do not answer emails or messages from this site due to Scammers. I also do not answer text messages from email accounts. You are welcome to call or text with any other questions or to set up to FaceTime. She will have two sets of shots, a health exam sheet signed by my vet and a contract guarantee with me. Thanks. 931-200-8446.
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