Super cute and unique female lilac merle tri French Bulldog puppy, Maddy, is waiting for you! She was born on 11/06/2024. She got vaccinated and dewormed up to date. She is registered with AKC. Her father is lilac tri French Bulldog and mom is lilac merle tri French Bulldog. Maddy has beautiful pattern of lilac merle coat with vivid tan points. She also has bright blue eyes. She has adorable face, compact but stocky body. She has very loving, playful personality. Comes with 1 year written health guarantee. Her price is $2500. I also provide some basic supplies like starter kit such as food, vitamin, toys, pads, etc. I am able to ship the puppies. You can either send me an e-mail or call/text me at 3 2 3 - 5 0 5 - 8 4 4 1. Ask Brandon.
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