**AND THE RED'S HAVE IT!! **BE READY IN TIME FOR VALENTINES DAY!! The Cavapoo is one of the most popular puppies we sell. Mom is King Charles Cavalier and dad is Miniature Poodle. This litter has one female and two males. **Videos of these babies and pictures of parents are available upon request. My puppies are all up to date on vaccinations, wormings, they also come with a one-year guarantee. This puppy is priced for PET ONLY. They are well-socialized with children, and other puppies, and used to being handled by groomers. I can microchip for an additional $50, and possibly can deliver in Louisiana for $300. I accept all cards over the phone, or you can pay using PayPal from my website. Please visit my website for more info www.beboandcompany.com... or just call/text me at 318-245-2914 or call/text my assistant Cherie at 318-278-5522. Thanks! Becca.
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