Meet Miss Violet! She's a beauty and takes after her dam. She's a true yellow with a little darker copper on her ears. This girl has quite the nose! She has scented and stalked since she could hear & see. She's been pointing when outside (weather permitting) & shows no fear. She was 6.4lb at 7 weeks and growing well. This is a very social girl who would really do great as a companion or a bird dog. She's showing high potential for hunting & is love motivated! She just wants to make you happy. She is potty pad trained which will easily transfer to outside. She loves pouncing anything that crinkles, like water bottles. She looks a lot like her mom, my best guess is she will be around 70-75lbs. She's super smart, one of the first to make it out of the nest. * pickup between 1/17-1/20. We do not ship dogs. Check out our Bio for more info on us. Ready for her new home now! Will have 1st & 2nd core vaccinations.
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