Tory is a sweet F1B mini-Goldendoodle. Her mother is a F1 mini-Goldendoodle who weighs 25 lbs. Dad is a purebred Poodle who weighs 20 lbs. Tory has a beautiful deep apricot hair coat that is lush & has a soft curl. She also has a lighter colored chest area, making her extra special. Tory has a hypoallergenic & non-shedding hair coat. She will be up to date on her shots & wormings at 8 weeks of age. Tory is a very happy & friendly puppy, who has been loved on very much by our grandkids & family. Tory can't wait for a new family to take her home & love her forever. A 200.00 non-refundable deposit is required to hold her. Land transportation is available while air is not at this time.
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