This little girl is a split-face stunning lilac Merle. She will steal your heart for sure she’s got amazing markings and will be super tiny Dad is a micro black and tan Pomeranian weighing 3lb mom is a blue Merle also on the smaller side weighing 5 lb this little stunner is charting to be around 3.5lb Pet home only no breeding and no registration for her she will be too tiny to carry puppies. A down deposit is required to hold her, she will be ready for her forever home on Jan 5.🐾🥰 Included with the puppy will be the first round of shots and de-worming every 2 weeks, dew claws removed, a vaccine record, microchipped plus registration form for microchip, a small box of goodies including food to get adjusted an informative folder for puppy owners and much more! All in a nice gift bag straight from Royal canine themselves! The perfect puppy starter kit for the first month for every individual pup because, I do it for the love of the pupz! please message me for more questions! I am willing to deliver up to 1hr for additional fees! Thanks for checking out my pupz have a beautiful evening <3
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