I am a standard poodle. My mom is an AKC standard poodle who weighs 55 lb. My dad is an AKC standard poodle who weights 58 lb. Both mom and dad live with me and are here to meet you. I am a completely healthy puppy. I will have a vet exam before I go home and papers to prove it. I am growing right up and should be in that 50-60 lb range when I am full grown. I am up to date on my vaccines and wormer. All my health papers and shot record will come along home with me. My listed price is for pet only. If you are interested in using me in your breeding program, talk to my humans. That is a available at an extra cost. I am a typical playful puppy. I would love to come and be your best friend. If you would like to give me a new home call or text my humans to schedule a visit. 706-830-2198. They are available Monday thru Saturday, 9-5. If you try to contact us outside of these hours, leave a message. They will get back with you on the next business day. All Sunday calls will be answered Monday. If you choose to contact them thru email you must expect a much slower response. Texts and calls take priority over emails.
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