Born: 02/23/24 Parents: Faith x Magnum II Akc Registerable. All puppies have tails docked & dew claws removed. Her ear is up now! Microchipped. Parents are Dm Clear, Eic Clear, & Vwd1 Clear. Which makes all puppies Clear! Faith is a Sable Pwc who carries fluffy. She weighs 25 lbs & is the sweetest girl! Faith was born here at ArmnalegRanch from Cheyenne (now retired) & an outside male. Magnum II is a Bluie tri & a fluffy carrier. He weighs 28 lbs. Magnum was born here at ArmnalegRanch from our now retired Jazzy & Turbo! He is such a sweet boy! He never gets in trouble. :) Price is limited registration.
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