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A member for 9 years

Von SOR kennels

Pilot Mountain, NC
Breeds Available:PyredoodleGoldendoodle
Licenses:USDA Not RequiredState

About our place

We are a small country hobby breeder that loves what we do!! We raise all our pups through BAB and Puppy Culture!! We are registered and inspected kennel! We take pride in what we produce! But you don't have to take our word for it, we also have references we can provide, and they can tell you for themselves! You are free to check out my personal Facebook page as well as my dog page. But I am happy to share with you our goals and our methods and why we think it makes a difference! We very intimately know the personality and temperament of each of our pets, and we have a more personal understanding of who they are as an individual. We know their habits and their unique dispositions because we spend every day with them, taking them for walks, taking them swimming in our pond, and playing with them. We raise our puppies indoors! Our puppies are kept safe and strictly indoors until they are weaned from their mother, which begins at around 4 weeks. They are fully on solid kibble at about 6 weeks of age. From the time their eyes are opening until they go home, they are trained to go potty in a tray with alfalfa pellets in them. It's amazing the instinct a puppy has, given the right environment, to go to a dedicated place to potty! We keep their area clean and sanitized. Once the puppies reach 5 weeks old, we will start bringing them outside into the yard once a day, to get them accustomed to grass and concrete and the world outside. They are usually thrilled to learn what grass and dirt and a little pool of water are! From 6 weeks on we bring them outside more frequently, usually 2-3x per day, after each meal. They get this outdoor playtime with the kids and they can get all of their energy out, and many times they also will "hold it" until these trips outdoors so that they can "go" in the grass. This takes a lot of work and dedication on our part, but we do it happily because it has proven time and time again to be successful in helping the puppies housebreak easily when they go home with you! Delivery for a fee

Puppy Updates


Puppies are loving their new play area we are working on. They are finally sleeping all night Puppies are now completely litter trained which helps them transition to going potty outdoors when they go home

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