We are a family owned and operated kennel located in Walterboro, SC, breeding pure blood Italian Mastiff Cane Corsos. We have a beautiful litter of 10 puppies looking for new homes! They were born October 15. Puppies come from champion bloodline and are ICCF registered. Mom is a black brindle and dad is a red fawn. Tails have been docked and they come up to date on deworming and vaccinations. Puppies will also have passed their vet checks by the time they're ready to go. Puppies are being very well socialized. We're a big family of kids so puppies are being loved on and handled constantly. Puppies will also be acclimated to the sights and sounds of farm life. We live on an 8 acre farm with plenty of animals. Please feel free to reach out with any questions! Interested early buyers will be kept up to date with pictures and videos until their furry baby is ready to leave! :-) Text (843) 217-1851
Puppies are healing well from their ear crops! We have two cuties that we decided to keep floppy. Puppies are getting bigger and personalities are growing!