Hi my name is Judy Dunbar. I am a loving, caring breeder in Northeast Colorado. I care about my puppies and want my puppies to go to sound, and healthy happy homes. Every puppy is handled and socialized. I encourage potential buyers to come out and visit with my puppies, the parents and myself the breeder. I sell every puppy with a written health guarantee. Every puppy is vet checked, and current on their vaccinations. Everything is done in writing and I go over all the paperwork with the buyer before the puppy goes to their new home. I am inspected to insure that you are purchasing a sound, health puppy. I am licensed with the State of Colorado PACFA program. I will do my very best to answer your questions before the sell and after the puppy has gone to it's new home. Thankyou and I look forward to a visit with one of my puppies.
Boxer puppies born 12/24/24..five pups..there are four females, one male. The male is sold. Females available. Mohogany brindles and flashy mohogany brindle. Nice puppies! Will be ready February 18, 2025 at eight weeks. Pictures to come soon.