A member for 5 years

Nelda Kimball

Hurst, TX
Licenses:No USDANo State

About our place

Hobby breeder of shelties. I take great pride in my shelties. All of my shelties have been well cared for and are happy and healthy. Some have been raised inside and some outside. I have had many people purchase my dogs who continue to send me pictures of them to me and tell me how happy they are with them. I had one customer who purchase a puppy from me 14 years ago and when they lost him, they contacted me to see if I had any available because they wanted another to purchase another puppy from me. I love shelties, they are smart, sweet, lovable and loyal. They make great family pets. I have 3 adults available right now. They are 3 yr olds and they will be sold with breeding rights.

Puppy Updates

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This breeder hasn't written any updates yet, maybe ask them why?