We have been breeding for almost 20 years now and love what we do. all of our parents have been genetically tested. Parents are AKC, UKC, CKC, ACA, and APRI registered. Our babies are raised in our home with everyday sounds and children and socialized daily. Puppies will be vet checked and receive their first vaccinations by our vet at 6 weeks of age. They will have been wormed every two weeks as well as be microchipped before they leave. Puppies will come to their new homes fully prepared for success with a genetic health guarantee, a puppy folder with tons of helpful information as well as a small puppy starter kit. We are here to support you for the lifetime of you puppy with anything that you may need. Applications are required and we do offer a waitlist. Feel free to contact us with any questions you may have. We do not offer shipping.
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