We raise quality puppies on our small farm with the goal of producing family pets that will live a long and healthy life. We do genetic health testing on all our parents to ensure that we are not passing along genetic problems that could arise later in a puppies life. Our main line has been Great Berns, a cross between Great Pyrenees and Bernese Mountain Dogs. The mothers are full-blood Pyrenees and lend their sweet disposition to their puppies. Windsor has fathered several litters of absolutely wonderful puppies over the past 4 years but the time has come to introduce a new sire. We are delighted to have added an AKC Bernese sire, Captain, (pictured above) to our line. We are currently waiting for results of his hip and knee evaluation but are confident in his soundness as his father is OAF certified. If you are looking for a large, friendly, family dog, Great Berns may be just what you're looking for, We have had so much positive feedback from our families. They are raised outdoors but love people and do very well indoors. We also raise a few Golden Doodles. Roxi is a smaller AKC Golden Retriever. The sire, Mosey, is a moyen Poodle, also AKC. We estimate the puppies mature weight to be 30-40# Feedback on these has been great as well.
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