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Oklahoma City, OK

About me

My husband and I have an incredible love and devotion to this breed💕 When you experience a beautiful fur baby that is NOT healthy, you want to do anything you can to change that. These beautiful gentle souls don’t deserve to be badly bred. Therefore, I decided to make sure to create well bred, well tempered, healthy, tested, conformationally correct dogs. I enjoy being able to share the amazing history and knowledge of my breed with ALL of my clients. So many breeders are trying to mix these two breeds with other breeds. Why? They are perfect as is! I want to retain the original purpose of both Aussies and Golden Retrievers. Although both breeds make incredible companions for families, they are also both fantastic working dogs. They make excellent service, emotional support, and show dogs. Lastly, I want to preserve the original beauty, diversity, and intelligence of the breeds. Matching individual temperaments with their new families is our goal. For more information about parents and how our puppies are raised please visit So if you’re interested in one of our beautiful babies please reach out!

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