We have 3 purebred labs. 2 females, Grace and Molly. Our male is black, his name is Beau, Molly is a chocolate and Grace is a yellow. This is Grace’s 3rd and final litter that was born 11/25/23, and Molly’s first litter that was born on 11/11/23. Molly had 9 puppies. 5 chocolates, 1 male, 4 females, 1 black female, and 3 yellows, 1 male, 2 female. They are beautiful pups! Grace had to have a c-section having 4 pups. She had a red male, a chocolate male and a lighter red female. They are big, healthy pups!! We live in the foothills of Maine outside of town which allows them lots of play area! We have a camp that they love and enjoy swimming!!