Hello! My name is Chelsea. I have a litter of Standard Poodles available. We have 3 Males & 5 Females. All are Parti like mom & dad. CKC registered, born 12/19/24 will be ready for new home 8/10 weeks at 2/13/25. Health Guarantee for genetics for 1 year. Parents are both Genetic & DNA tested/cleared on Embark. Will have a full vet exam at 6 weeks- eyes, hips, mouth, ears, parvo, dewormer. You will receive a puppy folder with all vet exam papers and registration paperwork. We have these puppies/ mama in house with our family. Our kids help with the socialization. We will work on crate training, Potty training, commands, before they are ready for there forever home. We want to make sure these puppies will be going to a good loving home with someone who can take really good care of them. We are located in Guntersville, AL.