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Columbus, IN

About me

To learn more about our dogs, visit our website: "Taulman Farms German Shepherds" Also check out our Facebook: "Taulman Farms German Shepherds" My name is Gunnar Taulman, and I’ve raised German Shepherds since I was just nine years old. Inspired by stories of my father's faithful friend “Craze,” I embarked on a pursuit to raise the finest German Shepherds. It all started when we purchased an American black and tan shepherd from Missouri, naming him Craze in homage to my father's faithful friend. From that moment, I fell in love with the breed's exceptional qualities: loyalty, intelligence, gentleness, and protection. Determined to continue Craze’s bloodline and share these remarkable traits with others, I decided to begin breeding German Shepherds of the highest quality at Taulman Farms. Today, my family and I continue to honor the legacy of Craze by nurturing each generation of German Shepherds with the same love and dedication that inspired me as a young boy.