While many of our Doberman pups are show quality, we prefer a heavy Euro/ light American blend. This often results in a taller and thicker than American show standard dog with incredible family friendly guardian traits that we take great pride in. Several pups from previous litters function as ESA's and service dogs to young children and disabled adults, as well as being family pets. Our bandogge pups are bred and raised with the same attention and care to health, temperament and beauty. The entire package in a much larger dog. They don't disappoint! We are proud to raise simply stunning, take me anywhere, healthy and sound tempered, GUARDIANS. Goals!!! We'd love to one day be a top provider of service dogs for our vets. We do already have several previous pups in service with children and the disabled. We are not affiliated with any organization. Small, home based, limited breeding only, for the time being. However, this is the temperament we look for and breed for. Any pup way outside the box ( it happens occasionally with working dog lineages) is placed in an active, at least, or sporting dog home. All of are parents are genetically health tested prior to breeding.