
Breed Group: Hound

"Chillin' out max and relaxin' all cool!"

Breed Profile

Borzois are tall, elegant sighthounds with a passion for the chase. After a good sprint, they’re not particularly rambunctious and would love to hang out around your house while being lavished with attention.


Borzois can have many different types of personalities. In general, they are friendly, and non-aggressive toward strangers. They love attention, especially if it involves them getting a treat. They can be stubborn, but they are trainable if you give them the right motivation: food.


Borzois have a glamorous, silky coat. Just from looking at them, you would probably imagine that they require extensive grooming, but this is not the case. Their hair never stays dirty for long, and they only require weekly brushings to remove mats and tangles. Borzois do shed quite a bit, however, which makes the weekly brushings even more important.


Borzois are sighthounds, but they’re also attention hounds. They need to live indoors and spend plenty of time with their families. They can adapt to many different sizes of homes, but would definitely prefer more space than less. Borzois don’t dislike small children, but they are so tall that they’re not the best playmates for little ones. As for cats, you may have to make a choice between your feline and your puppy. Borzois see cats as just another small animal to chase.


Borzois are sprinters, which makes them excellent competitors at the doggie sport of lure coursing, which involves dogs chasing a mechanical lure. After a few sprinting sessions, Borzois are happy to lounge around and rest comfortably as couch potatoes for most of the day.

Borzoi Characteristics

Space Needs
Activity Needs
Grooming Needs
Watchdog Ability
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