We are not breeders. We have an adorable, unexpected litter of 9 first-generation Frugs. These little ones are ready to find their forever homes. The mother is a purebred Merle French Bulldog, and Dad is a purebred Fawn Pug. These pups are well-socialized, healthy, and very playful. They are also doing well with their potty training. These puppies are 8 weeks old as of December 7th. They are vet-checked, dewormed, had their first round of shots, and dewclaw removed. Their ears are starting to come up. The puppies are weaned from mom and are eating high-quality puppy food. We have 5 females and 4 males. They will be 10 weeks old the week of Christmas. They are $1100.00 each for your pick of the litter (if available). We have not named them because that should be an honor for the new owners. This designer breed of puppies has yet to be recognized by the AKC, but this breed is growing fast in popularity. We will hold your puppy of choice with a $300.00 deposit towards your purchase. We can also hold the puppy until the week of Christmas with a $300.00 deposit until pickup. These puppies would make a great Christmas present!
We only have 8 puppies left. We only have 6 puppies left. We only have 5 puppies left. We only have 4 female's left. All puppies have had their 2nd round of shots now. We only have 3 female puppies left. We only have 2 females puppies left **Purple is now back available, she was on hold for a buyer, that didn't work out** We have 3 female puppies now All puppies have had their 3rd round of shots. (1-17-25) We only have 2 female puppies left now. We now only have 1 female puppy left