We are home breeders our puppy litters are only twice a year. We on occasion have one litter of French Bulldogs about once per year, and a litter of Yorkies about twice per year. Our puppies are our spoiled pets and are treated as if they were kids in our home--no kennels. We specialize in quality and are thrilled to produce this one Frenchie, little Mystro. We hope they will be your spoiled pets in their new "forever home". On our web site we have many pics of previous puppies.
Beautiful. and adorable and playful. Now weaning from mom and playing with 3lb. Yorkie dad who loves to play with his babies. Toby Junior is the coloring of his Yorkie dad, Toby. He is 3/4 Yorkie and one quarter shih-tzu, and he has soft hair like Yoshi, his mom. His price is reduced considerably to1000. instead of $1400, as Toby will be needing a loving home that is looking for a gorgeous designer Yorkie.