I have one beautiful spoiled rotten Mama pooch Dot a 9lb Yorkiepoo and her husband Jack a miniature 13 lb Schnoodle. Mama Dot is also a service dog, ask about getting your puppy registered! Both are house pets so we decided to offer to help others find sweethearts like ours! We love our animals and treat them with respect and spoil them with lots of love and walks and treats and kisses! We ask questions about our future families for the puppies so we can ascertain that you will make our lovies a good forever home! Mama is a Yorkiepoo and Dad is a Schnoodle, so our litter will be Schnorkie poos. We have a litter right now who are ready to go home!! We are so excited for our babies to find their perfect forever home. We vet, worm and give vaccines to our puppies. We ask that you answer a few questions about the kind of home and life you'll provide for the puppies. We ask for updates and photos as proof you're a good fit. Can ship at buyers expense and we require a deposit to hold any specific puppies as they are in high demand and find homes quickly.
NEW PICS Jan 19th!! New video on Tiktok @mareowl86 ONLY 2 darling Schnorkiepoos are still available and ready to go home! They're eating kibble, playing and weaned from Mama Dot. These babies are still available and looking for their forever homes! TWO of the girls and ONE boy have found their way to their new forever home and are happily acclimated! Once a deposit is PAID I will place your puppy on hold until it comes home and the remaining balance is paid.